Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Notes from Dad

As I've mentioned before, L's schedule this semester includes an early class that requires him to leave before the girls get up in the morning. He concocted the brilliant plan to leave notes for the girls each day so they'd hear from him as soon as they got up in the morning.

Jellybean can hardly wait to get downstairs for breakfast on the days that L is working. "Do you think he left me a note?" she wonders, all the way down the steps. I read her the note, and she memorizes it, then reads it out loud to herself a few times during the day. It's so sweet. Sometimes she reads Peanut her note too, which I also love.

Peanut gets the note thing totally. She points to the notes and says, "Note." or "Daddy!" (depending on her mood, I think).

I have to give props to L for a really good idea.

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