Wednesday, September 17, 2008


As a parent, I always dread the times my children get hurt. I'm glad to be there to comfort them and care for them at least, and I have lots of empathy.

However, one thing I didn't anticipate when I became a parent were the times that I would inadvertently hurt them MYSELF. Don't worry, no need to call SRS. But I injured Peanut today.

It was lovely outside, and we were on the front porch chatting with one of our neighbors (if you haven't read about my neighborhood, you should) and her kids. I stepped inside to retrieve a Kleenex for the neighbor. As I came outside, I was greeted by Peanut chirping, "Hi, Mama!" only to stop mid-"mama" and start screaming in pain. I turned around and realized that her little ring finger was smashed and stuck in the front door right under the hinge.

Of course, I picked her up immediately and got a good look at the finger. It was a bit purple and had an abrasion on the fingertip. My neighbor reassured me that it was good that it was on the tip and not by a knuckle so the finger wouldn't be broken. Good point and great reassurance. Peanut finally stopped crying when I offered to retrieve her stuffed penguin, Rodrigo.

We bid the (mildly traumatized) neighbors goodbye and came inside to get ibuprofen and calm down. It was right before naptime -- which always happens when there's a worrisome injury, so I can't monitor it closely and see how things are, especially scary with head injuries. Anyway, I got her down for her nap, and she quieted down pretty quickly.

Thankfully her finger and fingernail seem all right. Her fingertip is swollen and a bit funky looking, but she is using the finger and lets me touch it. So, none the worse for wear. Phew.

This incident served as a good reminder to always look for little fingers near doors before I close them: closet doors, room doors, car doors, etc. I won't forget that anytime soon!

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