Friday, August 29, 2008

What would you do with 2 hours?

As I've mentioned in my last couple entries, my parents are visiting this week. They always like to have one-on-one time with the girls and I like to arrange that for all of their benefit.

Yesterday morning, they decided spontaneously to take the girls for a walk to play at the park until lunch time. That gave me two hours. Alone. In my house. Do you know how many mornings I've wished for such a luxury?! And it fell in my lap.

I almost didn't know what to do. I had to finish a load of laundry and unload the dishwasher, along with a few other little tasks. Then I still had an hour and a half. I sat down to read a magazine -- something I always associate with leisure. But I couldn't sit still. I read a few pages, then got up and puttered around. It was like I was lost in my own house!

It just goes to show you should be careful what you wish for. I finally get time by myself, and then I realize I have a hard time filling it up with meaningful enough things. (Obviously, if I would have known ahead of time, I would have scheduled something like a hair cut or a massage or a dentist's appointment. Or at the very least, coffee with a friend or neighbor. I'm not a total loser.)

The irony is that the best part of the morning was when they all came back. I got the best hugs and kisses from the girls. Awww, it sounds trite, but it's true!

So, what would you do if someone took your kids out of the house RIGHT NOW for 2 hours?

1 comment:

Soggy Granola Mom said...

That sounds heavenly. I have so much paperwork and housecleaning that I need to catch up on. I was just telling my husband how much I would love some time at home all alone...but I want a whole day...not just two hours. (though I'd probably be like you and miss them all terribly)