Friday, December 19, 2008

Another one bites the dust

I spoke too soon about our collective improving health. L and I were up in the night with both kids at different times. In a cruel twist of fate, Peanut appears to be teething -- and right when all her crud is clearing up.

Jellybean, on the other hand, apparently has some new crud of her own with a fever and cough. Because we're leaving this Sunday to fly to the grandparents, I squeezed her in to see the doctor today. She saw a different doctor than Peanut, but same result: some sort of bacterial infection so antibiotics are in order.

So now, in addition to the 95 million things we're carrying on the plane, we must somehow incorporate a cooler to keep our liquid antibiotics chilled the whole time (and get them through security, God willing).

L and I were already scrambling around like mad people this week: he, trying to get exams graded, and I, trying to handle Christmas and travel chores so he could grade said exams. We should be enjoying the snowfall and a lovely bottle of red wine in the evenings. Instead, our interactions this week have consisted of conversations about coughing and snot at 4 a.m. Isn't marriage romantic?

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry that you guys are having it so rough.

Getting through security should not be a problem. Just make sure to have everything clearly labeled. Be prepared to toss the ice, if they make you. I have found the folks at DTW to be fairly understanding when we go through. We almost always take a full sippy cup and an additional little milk carton. I've never had any problems with it! (I better go knock on wood....)

Good luck. I have a little 6 pk cooler, if you need it. I wish I still had the little insulated bag that came with my would be perfect for that job! And not too large to carry on the plane.