Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What we're thankful for

Both girls have had the chance to express their thankfulness through school activities this year. I have enjoyed finding out what they're thankful for, and I thought I'd share.

Peanut listed three things through her school activities. What are you thankful for?
1. My sister
2. My dad
3. My room

Jellybean had to list and draw 5 things she was thankful for.
1. Peanut
2. Rain
3. Nature
4. Flowers
5. Peanut
(Yes, the duplication was hers, not mine)

I can't get over how thankful they are for each other. That warms my heart! I will focus in on their thankfulness for each other so that we don't have to talk about how I was not mentioned by anyone. Actually, I'm not saddened by that -- I get hugs and smiles and "thank yous" every day (sometimes mixed in between tantrums and disobedience) that let me know how thankful they are for me.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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