Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sell out with me, oh yeah

I made it almost 4 1/2 years without succumbing. My resolve has been strong since I was pregnant with Jellybean, not knowing if she would be a boy or girl. I knew if I had a girl, I would have to face this at some point. And now, the battle is over, and there is a clear victor.

The Disney princesses have won over my 4-year-old. I tried so hard to prevent them from entering my house. Indeed, the only vestiges of them are in the form of greeting cards that others have sent. We don't have any actual toys that resemble any of the princesses. (There is a smidgen of satisfaction that I haven't directly submitted any money to the evil mouse corporation)

I pride myself on being open-minded on child-rearing topics, and sometimes it can be a strain for me to remain so. Disney and princesses are two areas that have been an ongoing struggle for me. Coming into October this year, I knew what I was up against for Halloween.

Being a marketing person, getting conquered by a marketing machine like Disney is an extra dagger in the heart. I know how insidious those campaigns are -- more like brainwashing than advertising. So, when I tell you that Jellybean will be Cinderella for Halloween, I take comfort that neither she nor I has reached the "brainwash" phase. We still haven't given a dime to Disney, even with the costume. We got it secondhand. Take that, evil mouse!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Ali is going to be super jealous! She wanted to be a princess, but I refused. She settled on a cowgirl instead.

I bought my very first Disney Princesses set yesterday. Ali has been begging for some "hairdresser tools" and that was the only set that I could find that had a flat-iron in it...something that she specifically requested. Oh how it pained me.

And it's not that I mind Disney. I really don't. I love going to WDW! I just don't like the brainwashing that they try to force upon kids FROM BIRTH.

Of course, I have a major issue with Barbie too....