The girls had fun with their grandparents, even when they were under the weather. And L and I managed to keep up with cleaning the house, grocery shopping and being hospitable for the duration of the visit, despite being wiped out and caring for wiped-out kids.
Yesterday and today, finally we are simultaneously healthy and energetic for the first time in two weeks. Peanut made my day (possibly my week!) today, and I thought I'd share.
She had awakened early from her nap this afternoon -- another sign of being healthy -- so I brought her to the couch to read a book and rest a bit more. We finished the book, and she lay across me with her head nestled in the crook of my arm. She looked up at me, and in her little 1-year-old (almost 2, I know) voice she said, "I'm in my nest." *melt* We sat like that for about a minute more, and then she shoved off the couch and went to play.
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Do the get any cuter?!
it's those little moments, isn't it?!
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