Monday, December 1, 2008

Festive fun

I was ready to kick the holiday stuff into gear for the kids, and then we got snow, and I'm feeling even more that way.

I thought I'd share a couple fun holiday things we've discovered this year with hopes that maybe you'll share some of yours (I show you mine, you show me yours).

Brave Santa, by Nancy Poydar. A fun twist on kids being afraid to sit on Santa's lap (potentially an issue for Jellybean this year, hopefully eclipsed with this book).

A Christmas Party, poem by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey with Cyndy Szekeres. This is an oldie I found at the library. A really cute story about forest animals celebrating Christmas.

Holidays on Ice, by David Sedaris. NOT a children's book, definitely not. A grown-up book that will have you laughing like a kid, though.

Brian Setzer Boogie Woogie Christmas. This is the "Stray Cat Strut" guy and his big band sound. The songs are energetic takes on some of the carols -- replete with a decent Elvis imitation on "Blue Christmas." It has kept our toes tapping.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Good list! I think that I will try to find the Santa book. I'm not sure that Ladybug will like Santa this year. Of course we've never had a problem, but I always worry about it!

And Bryan Setzer? How could you go wrong with that?!

Be on the lookout for my list of Holiday faves. I'm posting it soon!