At 3 1/2, Jellybean is maturing so much lately in her speech and actions. As much as I love to watch her blossom, it is bittersweet at times. Yesterday was much more sweet than bitter, though, as she said some just priceless things that I thought I'd share.
I was reading the newspaper in the morning, as I do every morning while the girls and I eat breakfast. For the first time in a few days, for obvious reasons, the paper did not feature a photo of Barack Obama on the front page. Jellybean asked astutely, "Where are Barack Obama and John McCain?"
I replied, "They're back at work after the election. They'll be in Washington, D.C., soon."
Jellybean announced, "I think they're coming to our house for Thanksgiving." I'll make sure and get a bigger turkey at the store.
A bit later in the meal, Jellybean was asking me questions about Obama's daughters. I explained that the girls will move with their parents into The White House, and I made a point to mention that their mom, Michelle, also has a job and is a lawyer like Dad. I said, "Isn't that neat? Their dad is president and their mom is a lawyer. Wouldn't that be neat if Mama or Dad were president?"
Her reply: "I'M going to be president!" You go, girl!
This anecdote is not so presidential. Later in the day, after preschool, I was quizzing her about what she did at school. She happens to go to a Lutheran preschool (our favorite choice although neither L nor I is particularly religious at the moment). I asked her what her story was about, and she told me, "The animals pooped on the Ark. Animals don't use the toilet, so they pooped on the Ark." I'm sure her preschool teacher would be thrilled to know that that was her take-away from the religious lesson today. A little too much like her dad.
Although I do love her comments and insights, I also love the things that remind me she's still a little girl: how she bounds enthusiastically toward the park each time we go, the way she cuddles her teddy bear close when she's tired, her chubby little wrists and hands, her sweet voice singing along almost in time with the music. I'll take all these things while I can get them too.
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