Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cheating winter

I haven't blogged in a while -- sorry if you missed me (as if...). We have been busy playing outside. Yes, outside in late October/early November. Not only outside but outside without jackets and sometimes even in short sleeves! It is completely WRONG for there to be weather this warm in Michigan at this time of year, but we have been loving it.

I can't help but think -- with my typical Michigan weather cynicism -- that we will pay dearly for these warm days. It won't come in the form of a humongous winter snowstorm. No, the worst way we could pay (are you listening, Mother Nature?) would be to have freezing weather and snow in May. The springtime winter weather makes me particularly crazy, having grown up where winters were only three months long.

I have tried to put those negative thoughts out of my head, though, as the girls and I have enjoyed our last hurrah of swinging in the backyard, blowing bubbles, coloring with chalk and leisurely walking around the block. I list those things specifically so I can look back and read this in February, when I have completely forgotten what it's like to play outside in warm weather.

I am resolving right here not to dread the length of winter this year. I will let it happen as it may. You see these words. If you feel I violate my resolution anytime in the months to come, please call me out on it.

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