Nearly two years later, by the time Peanut arrived, moms everywhere were all a-twitter about all the ailments that could be a direct result of routine childhood vaccinations. I consulted my pediatrician at each appointment and decided to bypass a couple of shots, including the rotavirus vaccine, at her recommendation. I was really on top of things and felt like I knew all the choices I could make about the vaccines.
I felt confident and informed about Peanut's vaccines until. Until last week. I received a notice from the state of Michigan that Peanut was lacking the final dose of one of her vaccines, and I needed to check with my pediatrician's office about that dose. I double-checked my records and corroborated the state's information -- she had all the shots they said she had, and no more.
So, I called the pediatrician's office, and come to find out, that final dose is actually optional. I am choosing to skip it for my own reasons. But I didn't even realize it was a choice. I had asked all the right questions. I had scrutinized every shot. I was in tune to what was happening. Except I wasn't. It's just a minor optional vaccine booster. Why didn't anyone give me the choice, then?! How many of those agonizing shots that she's already had were optional?
At least in all my paying attention and educating myself about vaccines, I have learned one valuable piece of information: checking titers. I will definitely be doing that for both of my girls when the time comes for them to go to kindergarten.